Protect Your Home and Business from Common Maine Pests
Seasonal and year-round pests common to Maine can cause unique problems, including illness, allergies, and property damage. Safe, affordable, effective pest treatment and prevention is our business. Call us — we’ll schedule your free inspection and develop the best solution for your pest problem. Bothered by pests not listed here? Just let us know – we’ll find a solution.
Not sure what pest is causing problems? Contact us! Identifying pest issues is part of our 8-Point Pest Protection Plan!
We can help you with the pests listed below. As an FYI, we do not handle bees, bats, chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, groundhogs, and pigeons but we probably do know someone that can help you with those pests.
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants: Carpenter ants infestation is indicated by presence of ants, ant trails,...
Small Ants
Small Ants: Small ants like to nest under large stones, slabs, and driveways. Can forage...
Bald-faced Hornets
Bald-faced Hornets: They are large social insect (about ¾”) white and black in color....
Paper Wasps
Paper Wasps: Paper Wasps will hang their nests in attics, under decks and door frames. A...
The Norway Rat
The Norway Rat: The Norway rat is the largest of the commensal rodents. It carries many...
Spiders: Spiders are not insects they are arachnids. There are many species. Over 3000...
Wood Cockroach
Wood Cockroach: Often confused with the German cockroach. Lives outdoors and cannot...
Fleas: Fleas can transmit diseases such as plague and murine typhus. Under right...
Meal Moths
Meal Moths: There are three species of meal moths in the U.S. Will be brought into...
Flour and Grain Beetles
Flour and Grain Beetles: There are about 8 different species of Flour and Grain Beetles...
Silverfish: Silverfish can be found any place in a structure from basement to attic....
Carpet Beetles
Carpet Beetles: There are 5 different types of carpet beetles in New England. They can...
Old House Borers
Old House Borers: Old House Borers will only infest softwood lumber, primarily pine....